Group Education/ Facilitation

Having an adult friendly party? May a sex education based event?

MoonRose has run tantric kink workshops at festivals, events, hens nights and adult friendly parties, bringing something fun, cheeky yet sensually activating to entice and delight

The Journey will include:

  • Some live interactive games to get the group understanding consent and boundaries in a fun way that can break the ice and spark conscious communication of desires
  • A talk on How to spank someone in a full body orgasm
  • A demonstration/ performance on her demo bunny where MoonRose will show you a live journey with Q & A

This can be a great way to get people curious and playing and also allowing healthy conversations to be had that can expand their experience in the bedroom and understanding of how tantra and kink weave together

*Note: this journey does not include full penetration or nudity as that is not the goal of this experience

1.5 hrs $500 AUD (price includes demo bunny)

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